Amendments to the laws on the use of electronic signature in employment relationships, work from home, telework and health and safety at work13/05/2021ȚUCA ZBÂRCEA & ASOCIAȚII
ȚUCA ZBÂRCEA & ASOCIAȚII successfully assists MOL România in the expansion of the services space networks on the A1 and A2 Motorways30/03/2021ȚUCA ZBÂRCEA & ASOCIAȚII
Active measures to support employees and employers in the context of the epidemiological situation generated by the SARS-CoV-2 spread04/06/2020ȚUCA ZBÂRCEA & ASOCIAȚII
Technical unemployment in the economic and social context of the COVID-19 outbreak. Latest updates02/04/2020ȚUCA ZBÂRCEA & ASOCIAȚII
Granting days off to parents to supervise their children in case of temporary closing of education institutions27/03/2020ȚUCA ZBÂRCEA & ASOCIAȚII
Technical unemployment in the economic and social context of the COVID-19 outbreak26/03/2020ȚUCA ZBÂRCEA & ASOCIAȚII
Protection of employment relationships within the state of emergency25/03/2020ȚUCA ZBÂRCEA & ASOCIAȚII
TZA. COVID-19 Legal Insights. Temporary closing of education establishments. Days off for parents18/03/2020ȚUCA ZBÂRCEA & ASOCIAȚII
ȚUCA ZBÂRCEA & ASOCIAȚII advised Global Technical Group on selling a majority interest to Abris Capital Partners24/07/2019ȚUCA ZBÂRCEA & ASOCIAȚII
Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații clinches the top spot in IFLR’s directory rankings12/10/2015ȚUCA ZBÂRCEA & ASOCIAȚII