Emergency Ordinance No 34 / 2014, regarding consumers’ rights under contracts concluded with professionals, and amending and supplementing some legislative acts20/06/2014DUNCEA ȘTEFĂNESCU & ASSOCIATES, MAZARS
New Regulations on the Sale/Purchase of Farm Land in Unbuilt Plot Areas, Privatisation of Companies Administering Public Domain and State-owned Plots for Agricultural Purposes, and Establishment of ADS23/03/2014DUNCEA ȘTEFĂNESCU & ASSOCIATES, MAZARS
Amendments of the Methodological Norms for the Application of Law No 571 / 2003, Regarding the Tax Code23/02/2014MAZARS
Application of the Joint Liability Principle to the Legal Representative of a Company for Outstanding Tax Obligations23/02/2014DUNCEA ȘTEFĂNESCU & ASSOCIATES, MAZARS