CJEU. C-623/17, C-511/18, C-512/18, C-520/18. Advocate General Campos Sánchez-Bordona: the means and methods of combating terrorism must be compatible with the requirements of the rule of law15/01/2020VARIA
CJEU. Case C-502/19 Junqueras Vies. A person elected to the European Parliament acquires the status of Member of that institution at the time of the official declaration of the results and enjoys, from that time, the immunities attached to that status19/12/2019VARIA
Limitation of subcontracting in public procurement, the SAGA continues: TEDESCHI SRL V C.M. SERVICE SRL CASE C-402/1817/12/2019VARIA
The relation between the European Union with Africa and an analysis of the sanctions imposed by the EU on Zimbabwe in the millennium27/11/2019VARIA
C-192/18 Commission v Poland. Polish rules relating to the retirement age of judges and public prosecutors, adopted in July 2017, are contrary to EU law05/11/2019VARIA
GCEU. T-755/15 and T-759/15. The General Court confirms the Commission’s decision on the aid measure granted by Luxembourg to Fiat Chrysler Finance Europe24/09/2019VARIA
GCEU. T-760/15 and T-636/16. The General Court annuls the Commission’s decision on the aid measure implemented by the Netherlands in favour of Starbucks24/09/2019VARIA