CJEU. Fair trial: minors subject to criminal proceedings must have the practical and effective opportunity to be assisted by a lawyer05/09/2024VARIA
CJEU. A notary does not breach the sanctions against Russia when he authenticates the sale of a property owned by an unlisted Russian company05/09/2024VARIA
CJEU. C-623/22 | Belgian Association of Tax Lawyers and Others. Combating aggressive tax planning: the Court upholds the validity of various provisions of the EU directive29/07/2024VARIA
CJEU. C-771/22 and C-45/23 | HDI Global and MS Amlin Insurance. Covid-19: the security against a package travel organiser’s insolvency also applies where the traveller has cancelled the trip, prior to the insolvency, due to unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances29/07/2024VARIA
CJEU. C-774/22 | FTI Touristik. A consumer having booked a trip abroad may sue the organiser before the court of the place of his or her domicile29/07/2024VARIA
CJEU. C-591/21 P | Ryanair and Laudamotion v Commission. COVID-19: the Court of Justice confirms the lawfulness of the subordinated loan of €150 million granted by Austria to Austrian Airlines in the summer of 202029/07/2024VARIA
CJEU. Case C-298/22 | Banco BPN/BIC Português and Others. The exchange of information over a period of more than ten years between 14 credit institutions in Portugal could constitute a restriction of competition by object29/07/2024VARIA
CJEU. C-14/23 | Perle. Authorisation to reside on the territory of a Member State for the purposes of studies: a Member State may reject an abusive application for authorisation, even if it has not correctly transposed the directive that provides for that option29/07/2024VARIA